Cynllun Trosglwyddo / Transition Plan
Pwrpas y cynllun pontio hwn yw:
● cydlynu a rheoli trosglwyddiad esmwyth disgyblion o'r cynradd i'r uwchradd
● hyrwyddo dilyniant mewn dysgu rhwng y cynradd a'r uwchradd trwy gynllunio'r cwricwlwm, cynllunio ac addysgu
● amlinellu sut y caiff dilyniant disgyblion unigol ei gefnogi wrth iddynt drosglwyddo o’r ysgol gynradd i’r ysgol uwchradd
● amlinellu cynigion ar gyfer cefnogi anghenion lles unigol disgyblion
● amlinellu cynigion ar gyfer cymorth ychwanegol i ddisgyblion unigol sydd yn ‘agored i niwed’, mewn perygl neu ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol
● nodi’r broses ar gyfer monitro a gwerthuso llwyddiant y cynllun pontio hwn o ran sicrhau’r parhad dysgu mwyaf posibl a dilyniant myfyrwyr unigol
● sicrhau argaeledd a defnydd cywir o ddata trosglwyddo disgyblion
● sicrhau bod rhieni / gofalwyr / teuluoedd yn cael eu hysbysu'n llawn am y broses drosglwyddo
The purpose of this transition plan is to:
● coordinate and manage the smooth transition of pupils from primary to secondary
● promote a continuity in learning between primary and secondary through curriculum design, planning and teaching
● outline how individual pupils’ progression will be supported as they transition from primary to secondary school
● outline proposals for supporting the individual wellbeing needs of pupils
● outline proposals for additional support for individual pupils identified as ‘vulnerable’, at risk or having additional learning needs
● set out the process for monitoring and evaluating the success of this transition plan in maximizing the continuity of learning and individual student progression
● ensure proper availability and use of pupil transfer data
● ensure parents / carers / families are fully informed of the transfer process